Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday Favorites

Sweet bracelet by ibwatson. I was so ridiculously excited to find this guy on Etsy, making these at a reasonable price. I have been checking back in hopes to find a piece tiny enough for my bony wrist, but nothing yet...

Cute camera case by Hine. I wish my SLR would fit in one of these!

Bowl by CircaCeramics. Man I love this stuff!

Stitching by MoxieDoll. CUTE!!

Tee by LadyLotus This was carved out of linoleum and printed onto the shirt for only $14!! Seriously?? I have to pick up one of these.

Brooch by Yaelfran. The lil' gal now comes in blonde- I am glad I snatched up a brunette earlier! ;D

1 comment:

  1. these are all so cute! i love the camera case.
    thank you for sharing that. it's a great painting. ;D
